The C Major Scale is the first music scale any musician should learn.
If you are wanting to play with other musicians, this is a must know scale to learn. Bands will often play in the scale of c major because it has easy chords for just about any instrument.
It is especially simple for piano players. This is because it is one of the 12 major scales that has has no sharps or flats. This means it is played with all white keys.
Wanna learn this scale in about 5 seconds…….
Start on C, then play all the white keys.
It’s that simple. This piano scale can is played by striking all the white notes.
Notes In The C Major Scale
This scale is great for beginners because it is so easy to learn. Once you have this scale down then all the other music scales will come much more easily

The notes in the C Scale are C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.
To play this scale, you can to start on any C note on the piano.
Go ahead, find one…..
Now play all of the white notes in order until you reach another C.
That’s all there is to it! You have just played a C Major Scale!
Video Tutorial
Theory Behind The Scale of C Major

The Root
Now, let’s learn how this all works.
All musical major scales are made up of seven different notes. They all start on a what’s known as a root. The Root note is the foundation in which all 12 major scales are built.
All scale starts and ends on the root note.
So, with this scale, you start and end on a C note.
Take a look at the image, and see where scale starts and ends. It’s all based off of the root note.
Make the C Major Scale

All scales are made up of Half Steps and Whole Steps. The combination of steps for a major scale is WS, WS, HS, WS, WS, WS, HS.
Start on the root of the scale, which is C. Then count up the pattern above and you will have built the C Scale.
Take a look at the image and you can see how the whole step, half step pattern is used to make the C Major Scale.
You have to watch your fingering when playing piano scales.
Lets start with the right hand.
Right Hand

Ascending – Up The Scale
- The fingering in the right hand for the C Major Scale starts with the thumb on C.
- Play up the scale until you reach the third finger on E.
- The thumb then tucks under the middle finger to play an F.
- Then play up the scale using the rest of the fingers.
Descending – Down The Scale
- Start with the pinky or fifth finger on C.
- Play down the scale until you reach the F using all five fingers
- Once on the F, your middle finger crosses over to play an E.
- Then play the D with the index finger, and end on the Root – C with the thumb.
Left Hand

Ascending – Up The Scale
- Start with the pinky or fifth finger on C.
- Play up the scale until you reach a G. Use all five finger to get to the G.
- Once on G, you need to cross over your middle finger to play an A.
- Play the B with the index finger, and end on C with the thumb.
Descending – Down The Scale
- Start on C with the thumb.
- Play down two keys to an A with the middle finger.
- Then cross under you thumb to land on G.
- Play down the rest of the scale with the reaming fingers.
- End on the C with the fifth finger.
The C Major Scale is very easy, and should be the first scales you learn.
Learn the notes of the scale first, them move on to the fingering. This is important because if you know the fingering for this scale then the others will come much easier.
Take time to learn the fingering for both the right hand and left hand. The fingering is different for both hands, so it’s important that you master the fingering before you move on.
Learning this scale is the basics to learning how to play chords. Once you learn chords you will be able to start making tons of great music.
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