When leaning the piano keyboard layout, there are many factors you must take into considerations. Size, Number of Keys, and so on.
Most people don’t realize, but there are a lot of different types of piano keyboards out there. There is not one set layout that all pianos follow.
Even though there are many different types of piano keyboards, you will still be able to easily know the notes and the layout of piano keys.
There is one simple and easy to use patter that can take all the guess work out of naming keys and understanding the structure of the piano.
Let’s start out by looking at some of the different types of piano keyboards so we can get a better understanding of how they are laid out.
Also use the piano note chart to learn the note names on the staff and the names of the keys.
Types of Piano Keyboards
There are a ton of different types and styles of pianos out there these days. There are Grand Pianos, Upright Pianos, Digital Piano, Digital Keyboard, and the list goes on and on.
Let’s take a look at what makes some of these different, and how the piano keyboard layout is different with each one.
Standard Piano and Digital Piano Layout
A standard piano is a full size piano that has been around forever. You know the old piano that has been sitting at your Grandma’s house forever.
Yeah, that’s the one.
This is a standard full-size piano. It has a full set of 88 keys on its keyboard.
It starts on an A and ends on a C.
It has 52 white keys, and 36 black keys and spans over seven octaves.
This type of piano includes grand, baby grand, upright, and many others.

Digital Keyboards
There are many different sizes of digital keyboards. Because of the difference in size it gives this type of piano a different layout.
There are some keyboard with as many as 76 keys and some with as little as 25 keys.
Let’s look at layout of piano keys for some of the most common digital keyboards.
76 Key Keyboard
The 76 Key Keyboard is slightly shorter then a standard sized piano. It has only 12 less keys but is laid out totally different.
This type of keyboard starts on E and ends on G.
It has 45 white keys and 31 back keys.

61 Key Keyboard
The 61 Key keyboard has 27 less keys then a standard piano.
The piano keyboard layout for the 61 keyboard layout starts on C and ends on C.
It has 36 white keys and 25 black keys.

49 Key Keyboard
A 49 Key Keyboard has 39 less keys then a standard piano.
Like the 61 key keyboard it starts on C and ends on C.
It has 29 white keys and 20 black keys.

37 Key Keyboard
A 37 key keyboard has 51 keys less then a standard piano.
It starts on F and ends on F.
I has 22 white keys and 15 black keys.

25 Key Keyboard
A 25 key keyboard is really small and normally used by studio musicians or effects engineers to make sound effect or different types of effects in live or recorded music.
This is not a keyboard that you want to to play because of it’s small size, but it is used for specialized purposes.
It starts on C and ends on C.
It has 15 white keys and 10 black keys.

Different Piano, Same Layout
Just because there so many different sizes of piano keyboards out there doesn’t mean you have to learn a different layout for each one. The piano keyboard layout stays the same not matter which type of keyboard you own.
Even though they start and end on different notes, and have different numbers of keys, does not change the way we name the keys. Use the piano keyboard diagram to help study the pattern.
Learn the pattern and you will easily be able to find any note on the piano.
Use these charts to to learn the notes on your specific piano.
Each piano is different.
Depending on how many keys you have will determine what key your piano starts with. Study the charts above and compare them to the one you own. You will then be able to easily know the notes on your specific piano.
It’s not all that hard. Just take a little time and study the images and your piano and you will know all the notes fast!